Monday, April 8, 2013

I'll carry you home tonight.......

Sometimes on a drunken Saturday night, in the center of the universe ( YES..its a real place here in Tulsa...) someone nicks your phone from you and takes a few pictures. The next morning you scroll through them, hitting the delete button, because drunk pictures can be damning. Then  one pops out at you. One that with out a mere word can explain your love and friendship with one person.

This person would be there for you no matter what..or why..or when. They will love you despite your faults, well if you happen to have any. Hold you up when you cant stand. Put up with your insane behavior and love of a certain band member. Heck, they will even stand in boiling 120 degree heat for 4 hours so you can meet said band member.

That is the thing about friendship, you do things for each other you'd never do for anyone else. Such as plan a trip to Vegas to see a diva in concert, you'd normally not be caught dead seeing. The amazing thing never fail to have fun. It isn't the fact that you are someplace you have always wanted to go, or that you are seeing a band you always wanted to see, its the fact that you are together with that one person, or in my case, persons. You are sharing in that person's joy and becomes even a joy to you <3

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